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5 results found

Rajavi Shah

I am a Graduate Student in Software Engineering from Northeastern University. As an intern at the Cimini Lab, I aim to leverage my expertise in Software development and Cloud computing to develop tools for biologists and researchers, contributing to a community dedicated to improving lives through...

Kamal Hamid

I am a postdoctoral associate at the Cimini Lab with a background in physiology and neuroscience, and a passion for bioimage analysis. I aim to explore and develop deep learning strategies for the biologically informed integration of spatial transcriptomic data with image-based profiles.

Le Liu

I am a graduate student from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I am fascinated by applying high-throughput imaging analysis to understand biological questions. It is a great opportunity for me to learn advanced software and machine learning methods!

CellProfiler workshop - joint with LABI!

We will be hosting a free CellProfiler workshop on April 8th, joint with Latin America Bioimaging - with breakout rooms available for Spanish and Portuguese. Get more info and sign up here!