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86 results found

Making it easy to share the CRediT on your collaborative research projects

Beth Cimini In the Imaging Platform, we tend to work on a lot of big, complicated projects , with a lot of moving pieces and sometimes collaborators in many countries! This is fantastic for science, but when it comes to writing a paper, it can make just gathering all the information about "who did...

Announcing CellProfiler 3.1.9

Beth Cimini Hello all! It’s been a crazy last few months for the CellProfiler team, as we’ve been hiring some new members to the team and working hard on the transition to Python 3, which will bump us into CellProfiler version 4. Keep your eyes peeled for exciting content in the future! We did want...

Annotating Images with CellProfiler and GIMP

Kyle Karhohs Annotated image data is valuable for assessing the performance of an image processing pipeline and as training data for machine learning methods such as deep learning. When assessing the performance of a CellProfiler pipeline, for example a pipeline that segments nuclei, the annotated...

CellProfiler 3.0 release: faster, better, and 3D

Anne Carpenter We are thrilled to announce that CellProfiler 3.0 is now released! Download it here. Eighteen months in the making, this is the first version of CellProfiler that can identify objects in 3D images volumetrically – the result of a collaboration with the Allen Institute for Cell Science...

Quantifying microscopy images: top 10 tips for image acquisition

Anne Carpenter Not every image you capture on your microscope is suited for quantification, no matter how nice they may look. Even though you might not notice any problems by eye, the tips outlined here for acquiring and storing images can improve the quality of data derived from digital image...

Help! Why do my output images seem all black?

Beth Cimini Double clicking on the output images produced by CellProfiler sometimes opens up a screen in your operating system’s default image viewer that looks all black. This can make it seem like your pipeline didn’t work or didn’t produce the right output. However, this can happen for a couple...

Be a Histology Hero with CellProfiler

Minh Doan Thanks to the rapid advancement in image processing, we now have so many techniques to characterize cellular and subcellular objects (hooray CellProfiler!) Measuring cultured cells in monolayers is (usually) easy…but what about examining how cells interact with each other and their...