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463 results found

Lab Policy

Our mission: To uncover biological knowledge and new medicines by developing advanced methods to quantify and mine the rich information present in images. Our motto: Measure everything, ask questions later. Our ethos: - We love to discover the inner workings of biological systems and develop...

MorphEm: Universal Morphology Embeddings

Collaborative Research Project: Image-based Readouts of Cellular State using Universal Morphology Embeddings Principal Investigators: Juan C. Caicedo PhD - Broad Institute Bryan Plummer PhD - Boston University All results, software tools, and models will be reported here.


These pages document central GRO resources, and are constantly being updated. Please contact us if you can't find what you are looking for. Data GRO groups have contributed data to the following major resources: https:/...


Our Mission The audacious goal of the GRO is to build an atlas of the function of every base in the non-coding genome. We believe that achieving this goal will accelerate all aspects of genomic medicine by underpinning efforts to: understand the function of disease-associated variants, generate new...

Laborum Repellendus Est Minima

Qui ut voluptatem voluptatem velit molestias hic ad nihil nostrum.Quis nihil ea veniam labore ducimus velit eos. Natus Eos Sed Maiores In Neque Dolores Et. Minima praesentium repudiandae sed nam qui iusto nulla occaecati tempore. Eos sunt ut repudiandae distinctio. Aspernatur cumque quos ab pariatur...