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CellProfiler Analyst Stable (3.0.4): macOS (supports Mac Monterey, v12+) macOS (supports Mac v10.15-11) Windows Source code available on Github Previous CellProfiler Analyst releases

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How to cite CellProfiler Analyst CellProfiler Analyst 3.0: Accessible data exploration and machine learning for image analysis. by David R. Stirling, Anne E. Carpenter, and Beth A. Cimini (2021), Bioinformatics, doi or CellProfiler Analyst: interactive data exploration, analysis, and classification...


Processed Data CCLE data Broad DepMap Portal : The most recently processed and up-to-date CCLE datasets along with many perturbation datasets. List of Cell lines Cell line annotations Genetic Data Merged mutation calls (Coding regions, germlin filtered) CCLE structural variants (SvABA calls) for 329...