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11 results found

What We Do

Through the collaborative development and dissemination of open source image analysis software, as well as training events and resources, the Center will empower thousands of researchers to apply advanced analytics in innovative ways to address new experimental areas.


Need help with image analysis? The first step is to post in the Scientific Community Image Forum under the COBA tag. The COBA team and members of the community can help answer questions, so this is a great resource for most of your imaging analysis problems If posting there doesn't answer your...


Over the past year, we partnered with several renowned research organizations (e.g. EMBL-EBI) and bioimaging-focused groups (e.g. African Bioimaging Consortium) across the world to deliver highly popular hands-on image analysis workshops. These efforts included the first-ever CellProfiler workshop...

Tech R&D Projects

Building on the team’s expertise in developing algorithms and user-friendly software for use in biology under real-world conditions, the Center will focus on two Technology Research and Development (TR&D) projects: (1) deep learning-based image processing, and (2) workflows and accessibility of...

Project Inquiry

COBA periodically reviews project proposals from the community, seeking driving biological projects related to the technological advancements in progress for a long-term (many months) collaborations. Principal Investigators with laboratories in the United States are welcome to describe a potential...


For the latest news about COBA, check us out on the Scientific Community Image Forum or subscribe to our newsletter. Below are just a few recent highlights.

Community Enagagment

COBA’s mission is to catalyze the entire bioimage analysis software community. What have we accomplished thus far? Scientific Community Image Forum We created and sponsor the Scientific Community Image Forum. This forum has brought together dozens of open source image analysis platforms to one...