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13 results found


Our main research theme is empowering biologists with easy-to-use, comprehensively documented tools that facilitate discovery from biological images. From organelles to organisms, we create tools and workflows that allow biologists to find the objects they care about in microscopy images and...


Articles and other press ​ ​2024: Beth Cimini is interviewed in special episode on Mental Health on Peter O'Toole's podcast series "The Microscopists" [ Link to video] 2024. Beth Cimini is interviewed in "Enhancing Global Access: interview with CZI grantee Beth Cimini" (Focal Plane/ The Company of...

Software and code

CellProfiler CellProfiler is a free open-source software designed to enable biologists without training in computer vision or programming to quantitatively measure phenotypes from thousands of images automatically. More information can be found in the CellProfiler Wiki. Download CellProfiler...

Training program

The Postdoctoral Training Program in Bioimage Analysis is an opportunity for biologists with strong interest and some experience in image analysis to develop deeper skills through many different individual projects as well as by supporting thousands of researchers around the world who are...

Group Alumni

Where are they now? Check their career progress on Dr. Cimini's [ CV] Alum Year Role Alice Lucas 2021-2022 Software Engineer Barbara Diaz-Rohrer 2021-2023 Postdoctoral Associate Callum Tromans-Coia 2022-2023 Postdoctoral Associate David Stirling 2019-2021 Postdoctoral Associate Eddy Onyango 2023...

Lab Policy

Our mission: To uncover biological knowledge and new medicines by developing advanced methods to quantify and mine the rich information present in images. Our motto: Measure everything, ask questions later. Our ethos: - We love to discover the inner workings of biological systems and develop...