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463 results found

Velit Ipsa Nemo Dolores

Impedit aliquid quas asperiores similique et. Dolores minus non qui deserunt. Sit Minima Eveniet Iusto Error. Quaerat eligendi occaecati nesciunt totam totam. Est ut commodi officiis. Dolor minus illo. Magnam eaque rerum suscipit sequi quae quisquam possimus. Rerum ipsum harum. Ea esse quis...

Ultrices eros in cursus turpis massa tincidunt dui ut

August 11, 2020 Turpis cursus in hac habitasse platea dictumst quisque sagittis purus. Semper feugiat nibh sed pulvinar proin gravida hendrerit lectus. Optio vel quisquam nobis molestiae iste. Quia inventore est libero amet ea explicabo. Assumenda eligendi repudiandae autem omnis pariatur quam omnis...


The CellProfiler project team is based in the Cimini Lab at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. The project was started in 2003 by Anne E. Carpenter and Thouis (Ray) Jones in the Sabatini Laboratory (Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research) and Golland laboratory (MIT’s CSAIL) and is...

Human HT29 colon-cancer cells

Accession number BBBC001 · Version 1 Example image Biological application These images are of human HT29 colon cancer cells, a cell line that has been widely used for the study of many normal and neoplastic processes. For instance, Moffat et al. ( Cell, 2006) screened a set of about 43,000 such...

Synthetic cells

Accession number BBBC004· Version 1 Example images Image Foreground Biological application One of the principal challenges in counting or segmenting nuclei is dealing with clustered nuclei. To help assess algorithms' performance in this regard, this synthetic image set consists of five subsets with...