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60 results found

Nuclei of U2OS cells in a chemical screen

Accession number BBBC039 · Version 1 Example images Description of the biological application This image set is part of a high-throughput chemical screen on U2OS cells, with examples of 200 bioactive compounds. The effect of the treatments was originally imaged using the Cell Painting assay...

C. elegans infection marker

Accession number BBBC012 · Version 1 Example images Positive: pmk-1(km25) Negative: wild type Biological application This selection of images show transgenic C. elegans expressing the promoter of gene clec-60 fused to GFP. The clec-60 gene is up-regulated during S. aureus infection [Irazoqui et al...

Benchmarking Methodology

To reasonably compare, or benchmark, algorithms for image analysis, researchers must agree on a common reference point—the image set's "correct" answer—and see how closely each algorithm matches it. We adopt the common term ground truth for this reference point even though it may be questionable in...

Drosophila Kc167 cells

Accession number BBBC002 · Version 1 Example image Biological application Five different samples of Drosophila melanogaster Kc167 cells were stained with Hoechst 33342, a DNA stain. The last sample (labeled nodsRNA) is of wild-type cells. Each of the other four samples (labeled 48, 340, Anillin, and...

Human U2OS cells (out of focus)

Accession number BBBC006 · Version 1 Example images Ground truth: in focus Out of focus Ground truth: foreground Biological application Since robust foreground/background separation and segmentation of cellular objects (i.e., identification of which pixels below to which objects) strongly depends on...

Collective cell migration

Accession number BBBC019 · Version 2 Example images DIC image Ground truth DIC image Ground truth Biological application The wound-healing assay is considered the gold standard for studying cell motility and migration. The assay is performed by time-lapse imaging (usually by phase contrast, or...

3D HL60 Cell line (synthetic data)

Accession number BBBC024 · Version 1 Example images 3D image 3D foreground Biological application One of the principal challenges in counting or segmenting nuclei is dealing with clustered nuclei. To help assess algorithms' performance in this regard, this synthetic image set consists of four...