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53 results found

P. vivax (malaria) infected human blood smears

Accession number BBBC041 · Version 1 Example images Description of the biological application Malaria is a disease caused by Plasmodium parasites that remains a major threat in global health, affecting 200 million people and causing 400,000 deaths a year. The main species of malaria that affect...

Human U2OS cells – compound-profiling Cell Painting experiment

Accession number BBBC022 · Version 1 Example Images Hoechst 33342 staining con A staining SYTO 14 staining WGA + phalloidin staining MitoTracker Deep Red staining Description of the biological application Phenotypic profiling attempts to summarize multiparametric, feature-based analysis of cellular...

FiloData3D - Single A549 cells with filopodia (synthetic image data)

Accession number BBBC046 · Version 1 Example images The synthetic time-lapse image data of a CRMP-2-phospho-defective cell for the given fluorescence level facto(F) and anisotropy ratio (AR). The synthetic image data of a CRMP-2-phospho-defective cell for varying anisotropy ratios (ARs). The...