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62 results found
Merkin Prize Jury
The Merkin Prize Jury is composed of scientific leaders from academia and industry in the US and Europe.
Translation of non-canonical open reading frames as a cancer cell survival mechanism in childhood medulloblastoma
Hofman, Damon A., Jorge Ruiz-Orera, Ian Yannuzzi, Rakesh Murugesan, Adam Brown, Karl R. Clauser, Alexandra L. Condurat, et al. 2023. “Translation of Non-Canonical Open Reading Frames As a Cancer Cell Survival Mechanism in Childhood Medulloblastoma”. BioRxiv.
Base editor scanning charts the DNMT3A activity landscape.
Lue, Nicholas Z, Emma M Garcia, Kevin C Ngan, Ceejay Lee, John G Doench, and Brian B Liau. 2023. “Base Editor Scanning Charts the DNMT3A Activity Landscape.”. Nature Chemical Biology 19 (2): 176-86.
CRISPR-suppressor scanning reveals a nonenzymatic role of LSD1 in AML.
Vinyard, Michael E, Cindy Su, Allison P Siegenfeld, Amanda L Waterbury, Allyson M Freedy, Pallavi M Gosavi, Yongho Park, et al. 2019. “CRISPR-Suppressor Scanning Reveals a Nonenzymatic Role of LSD1 in AML.”. Nature Chemical Biology 15 (5): 529-39.
GRAFIMO: Variant and haplotype aware motif scanning on pangenome graphs.
Tognon, Manuel, Vincenzo Bonnici, Erik Garrison, Rosalba Giugno, and Luca Pinello. 2021. “GRAFIMO: Variant and Haplotype Aware Motif Scanning on Pangenome Graphs.”. PLoS Computational Biology 17 (9): e1009444.
Screening thousands of transcribed coding and non-coding regions reveals sequence determinants of RNA polymerase II elongation potential.
Vlaming, Hanneke, Claudia A Mimoso, Andrew R Field, Benjamin J E Martin, and Karen Adelman. 2022. “Screening Thousands of Transcribed Coding and Non-Coding Regions Reveals Sequence Determinants of RNA Polymerase II Elongation Potential.”. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 29 (6): 613-20.
Region Capture Micro-C reveals coalescence of enhancers and promoters into nested microcompartments.
Goel, Viraat Y, Miles K Huseyin, and Anders S Hansen. 2023. “Region Capture Micro-C Reveals Coalescence of Enhancers and Promoters into Nested Microcompartments.”. Nature Genetics 55 (6): 1048-56.
Transcriptome variation in human tissues revealed by long-read sequencing.
Glinos, Dafni A, Garrett Garborcauskas, Paul Hoffman, Nava Ehsan, Lihua Jiang, Alper Gokden, Xiaoguang Dai, et al. 2022. “Transcriptome Variation in Human Tissues Revealed by Long-Read Sequencing.”. Nature 608 (7922): 353-59.
Cell type-specific genetic regulation of gene expression across human tissues.
Kim-Hellmuth, Sarah, François Aguet, Meritxell Oliva, Manuel Muñoz-Aguirre, Silva Kasela, Valentin Wucher, Stephane E Castel, et al. 2020. “Cell Type-Specific Genetic Regulation of Gene Expression across Human Tissues.”. Science (New York, N.Y.) 369 (6509).