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13 results found

Screening a million compounds for the price of a few thousand?

Anne Carpenter Biologists are coming up with more and more complex physiologically-relevant assay systems and scaling them up for screens. From co-cultured cells to C. elegans to 3D organoids and tumor spheroids, these assay systems can be challenging, expensive, lower-throughput, and/or rely on...

CellProfiler & Ilastik: Superpowered Segmentation

Kyle Karhohs Joining forces CellProfiler is capable of accurate and reliable segmentation of cells by utilizing a broad collection of classical image processing methods. Peruse the documentation on the IdentifyPrimaryObjects module, for example, to get a sense of these, e.g., thresholding...

Help! Why does CellProfiler say it can’t find any valid image sets?

Beth Cimini Defining the input to CellProfiler can be the hardest part of getting your pipeline set up and your analysis underway. Incoming images are configured in the first 4 modules of CellProfiler – Images, Metadata, NamesAndTypes, and Groups – which offer lots of flexibility. But it’s sometimes...