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60 results found

Customizing a Model for Fiber Segmentation, Part 2: Creating an ilastik Model

Melissa Gillis In the first part of this blogpost I described some of the tools I tried to accurately segment collagen IV fibers including, CellProfiler, Cellpose, and Piximi. Unfortunately none of these methods were successful in accurately segmenting the fibers so I decided to develop a machine...

How to export tiles of large histology images in QuPath

Rebecca Senft With slide scanners and other automated, high-throughput microscopes becoming more and more common, it’s important to understand how to work with the large image files they produce. Whole slide file formats (e.g., .mrxs, .svslide, .svs, .vms) are often massive when uncompressed (>40 GB...

Help! Interpreting image-based profiles

Fernanda Garcia-Fossa & Anne Carpenter In a typical quantitative microscopy experiment, biologists choose fluorescent biomarkers and measure particular features (that is “metrics”) that they hypothesize will be perturbed in their samples. But in image-based profiling, you aim to let the cells tell...

Thinking like an image analyst, Part II: Removing bright debris from analysis

Pearl V. Ryder In the first post of this series, I gave an overview of this project and explained how I imported the data into CellProfiler. If you’d like to follow along in CellProfiler, the pipeline and images for this project are available here. Now that the images have been imported, I could...

UnmixColors Modules Tutorial

Mario Costa Cruz If you have color images stained with light-absorbing dyes, the UnmixColors module might be able to separate the dyes into separate channels so that they can be analyzed separately. Separating the dyes into channels can be a difficult task with traditional methods such as split...

Compiling collaborators for NSF Collaborators and Other Affiliations (COA) form

Authors: Beth Cimini, John Kitchin, Andrew Rosen, and Anne Carpenter What is the COA form? NSF requires you to report all “Co-authors on any book, article, report, abstract or paper with collaboration in the last 48 months” in Table 4 of the COA form, for certain people (e.g. PI, Co-PI, Senior/Key...

Help! How does the Robust Background method work?

Pearl V. Ryder The Robust Background algorithm is a powerful algorithm for automatically setting thresholds to segment objects of interest when your image contains mostly background. However, since it contains the largest number of tunable parameters of any thresholding algorithm in CellProfiler, it...

Getting started using CellProfiler from the command line

Beth Cimini Cross posted from our GitHub wiki — check there for any future updates! Running CellProfiler from the command line has a major advantage — you don't need to spend computational power or memory creating the graphical user interface (GUI) that you're used to using in CellProfiler! It also...

Announcing CellProfiler 4.2.6 and RunCellpose updates

Hi all, Due to issues with pip installation with CellProfiler on some platforms, we have released a version 4.2.6 with slightly updated dependency pins. If you are using the CellProfiler 4.2.5 application downloaded from our website, there is no need for you to update - 4.2.6 contains no changes to...