If you are a Broad-affiliated group or a lab and need to have a website, let's talk!
Broad Communications has partnered with OpenScholar to offer groups easy to manage websites. The themes are built according to the Broad style guide and hosting is provided.
You can do it yourself (themes with presets are a great option for it) or get help from OpenScholar to build and customize your site.
How to get started
- Watch video tutorials
- Read documentation
- Create draft content in google docs, collect images
- Decide which theme you want to use (that can be changed later is needed)
- And what url do you want to use for the site eq sites.broadinstitute.org/<myLabName> or sites.broadinstitute.org/<myProjectName>
- Decide who is going to need edit access to the site
- Reach out to webmaster@broadinstitute.org to get the site started
Some of the Broad sites that are built using OpenScholar include:
- https://golublab.broadinstitute.org/
- https://carpenter-singh-lab.broadinstitute.org/
- https://cellprofiler.org/
- https://bbbc.broadinstitute.org/
- https://cmg.broadinstitute.org/