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319 results found

Ankur Kumar

I am interested in hacking biological systems for fun and profit. This includes (non-exhaustively) using tools from mathematics, computer science, and engineering disciplines to probe, understand, and program biological systems.

Kamal Hamid

I am a postdoctoral associate at the Cimini Lab with a background in physiology and neuroscience, and a passion for bioimage analysis. I aim to explore and develop deep learning strategies for the biologically informed integration of spatial transcriptomic data with image-based profiles.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum, MD Co-creation targeted collaborate, triple bottom line radical segmentation.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum, PhDCo-creation targeted collaborate, triple bottom line radical segmentation.

Seungmin "Sam" Hwang

Seungmin “Sam” Hwang is a senior translation group leader within the Center for Integrated Solutions for Infectious Diseases ( CISID) at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. Hwang joined the Broad Institute in September 2023, and the focus of his research is to elucidate the mechanisms of organ...