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In addition to JUMP Partners, JUMP Collaborators worked on limited parts of the project as a collaborative effort, to develop technologies, reagents, and methods. Administrative: Pistoia Alliance Academic: Umeå University Stanford Machine Learning Group

New public workflow available!

We are pleased to announce that our first publicly available bio image analysis workflow (an outcome of a collaboration with the Newmark lab at Morgridge Institute for Research) is now available via our COBA GitHub repository. This example workflow automatically detects, orders, and saves individual...

New CellProfiler 4 Plugin: RunCellpose

David R. Stirling Hi everyone, Today we’re releasing the RunCellpose plugin for CellProfiler 4! This plugin is designed to allow you to use the popular Cellpose segmentation algorithm to generate object sets within a CellProfiler pipeline. Cellpose uses a neural network followed by post-processing...