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Directions To Install CellProfiler Analyst on Mac

CellProfiler-Analyst requires a 64bit-Java 8 Java Development Kit (JDK), a special version of Java that allows CPA to open microscope images from many different vendors using the BioFormats library. You will need to install this software and configure your computer to run it properly. Step 0: Check...


For our latest work, check out our preprints on bioRxiv! ( Carpenter) ( Singh) Google Scholar pages (with citation metrics): ( Carpenter) ( Singh) 198. Seal S, Trapotsi MA, Spjuth O, Singh S, Carreras-Puigvert J, Greene N, Bender A, Carpenter AE. (2024) Cell Painting: a decade of discovery and...


Noel T, Wang QS, Greka A, Marshall JL. Principles of Spatial Transcriptomics Analysis: A Practical Walk-Through in Kidney Tissue. Front Physiol. 2022 Jan 6;12:809346. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.809346. PMID: 35069263; PMCID: PMC8770822. Clark AR, Marshall J, Zhou Y, Montesinos MS, Chen H, Nguyen L...


The Pan Lab has created PatchAnalytics, a cloud-based web application for automated analysis of SyncroPatch Data. PatchAnalytics Contributors: Lei A. Wang, Ziyue Zhu, David Zhou, David Baez, Yining Wang The Pan Lab has created IntelliSleepScorer, a software package with a graphic user interface for...


Anna Greka, M.D., Ph.D. Institute Member, Director of the Kidney Disease Initiative Anna Greka is an institute member of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, where she leads a program focused on dissecting basic molecular and cellular mechanisms that may ultimately serve as the foundation for the...


KIDNEY DISEASE Autosomal dominant MUC1 kidney disease (MKD, also known as ADTKD-MUC1, and formerly called MCKD1) is a rare hereditary renal disease that ultimately requires dialysis or kidney transplantation for patients. For decades, scientists had known the genetic “neighborhood” of the mutation...