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463 results found

Directions To Install CellProfiler Analyst on Mac

CellProfiler-Analyst requires a 64bit-Java 8 Java Development Kit (JDK), a special version of Java that allows CPA to open microscope images from many different vendors using the BioFormats library. You will need to install this software and configure your computer to run it properly. Step 0: Check...


Proin rutrum purus eget sollicitudin rhoncus. Duis scelerisque turpis quis nisl lacinia rutrum. Donec ornare sed nibh non scelerisque.


Our main research theme is empowering biologists with easy-to-use, comprehensively documented tools that facilitate discovery from biological images. From organelles to organisms, we create tools and workflows that allow biologists to find the objects they care about in microscopy images and...