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202 results found


Tools for CCLE Data Visualization and Analysis Integrated views of Dependency datasets with Cell line characterizations can be found on the DepMap portal CLiFF - a tool for comparing Difference between groups of cell lines Visualization of CCLE data in cBioPortal

FiloData3D - Single A549 cells with filopodia (synthetic image data)

Accession number BBBC046 · Version 1 Example images The synthetic time-lapse image data of a CRMP-2-phospho-defective cell for the given fluorescence level facto(F) and anisotropy ratio (AR). The synthetic image data of a CRMP-2-phospho-defective cell for varying anisotropy ratios (ARs). The...

Recent research highlights from across the Broad community

Ultrasensitive CRISPR-based diagnostic for field-applicable detection of Plasmodium species in symptomatic and asymptomatic malaria Detection of SARS-CoV-2 with SHERLOCK One-Pot Testing Higher Native Peruvian ancestry proportion is associated with tuberculosis progression risk

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Etiam aliquet ipsum et est molestie fermentum. Donec vestibulum magna massa. Etiam viverra purus ac turpis vulputate congue. Curabitur ut malesuada lorem. In in felis sit amet nisl dictum aliquam ornare ut leo. Curabitur aliquet, est quis cursus porttitor, nibh orci hendrerit quam, sit amet...


Our main research theme is quantifying and mining the rich information present in cellular images to yield biological discoveries, often using deep learning. We work on high-throughput projects (100,000-1,000,000 images) probing a variety of biological processes and diseases of interest, with a...


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