HiC-bench: Comprehensive and Reproducible Hi-C data Analysis Designed for Parameter Exploration and Benchmarking

Lazaris C, Kelly S, Ntziachristos P, Aifantis I, Tsirigos A. HiC-bench: Comprehensive and Reproducible Hi-C data Analysis Designed for Parameter Exploration and Benchmarking. BMC Genomics. 2017;18:22–22.


Chromatin conformation capture techniques have evolved rapidly over the last few years and have provided new insights into genome organization at an unprecedented resolution. Analysis of Hi-C data is complex and computationally intensive involving multiple tasks and requiring robust quality assessment. This has led to the development of several tools and methods for processing Hi-C data. However, most of the existing tools do not cover all aspects of the analysis and only offer few quality assessment options. Additionally, availability of a multitude of tools makes scientists wonder how these tools and associated parameters can be optimally used, and how potential discrepancies can be interpreted and resolved. Most importantly, investigators need to be ensured that slight changes in parameters and/or methods do not affect the conclusions of their studies.
Last updated on 02/17/2021